Mc Gowan’s proven system of project organizing procedures ensures a well-planned construction process, based on a cost-effective project approach coupled with efficient implementation of the required tasks.
Adept at providing detailed pre-construction, value-engineering and design input early-on, the firm demonstrates it is focused on attaining each client’s cost and schedule project goals.
Dedicated, experienced project professionals focus on providing early project collaboration aimed at refining the project’s cost budget and establishing important schedule milestones and long-lead items.
Coordinating helpful project collaboration, implementing value-engineering & design-assist input discussions, identifying long-lead items, and taking ownership of each project to organize the required activities from pre-construction to project close-out.
Taking ownership of the project and establishing the project’s construction cost, including:
Organizing the project design and construction details while overseeing all project activities.
Mc Gowan has extensive project experience in organizing construction projects, and armed with this helpful information our clients are able to make critical project development decisions.